[Mac OS X TeX] fink and TeXShop

David R. Morrison drm at cgtp.duke.edu
Tue Dec 4 02:28:59 CET 2001

I'd like to mention again the two ways that fink users can use TeXShop
without running into compatibility problems.  If you are doing things
one of these two ways and you _do_ encounter problems, I would like
to hear about it and I will do my best to help.

  Method 1: Use Gerben Wierda's teTeX distribution, and after it is
   installed, install the fink package "system-tetex".  Be sure to
   install system-tetex-20010808-2, the latest version available on
   CVS.  (You may need to run "fink selfupdate-cvs" to get it.)

  If you use Method 1, then fink will add an appropriate entry to your
   "path" variable so that the teTeX files will be found.

  Method 2: Install teTeX directly, using fink.  The "tetex" package on
   fink will install a half-dozen other packages, the necessary components
   of a complete teTeX installation.  (At present, this teTeX installation
   matches the one which Gerben Wierda distributed in August; an update
   is forthcoming.)  You will then need to tell TeXShop about the path
   where the binaries are stored, usually /sw/bin (unless you made another
   choice when you installed fink).

No matter which method you use, it is recommended that you put the command
"source /sw/bin/init.csh" in your .login file rather than your .cshrc file.
Some problems which were caused by this file being loaded multiple times
will be addressed in a forthcoming update to fink.

  -- Dave Morrison

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