[lucida] new Lucida fonts

Chuck Bigelow chuck.bigelow at gmail.com
Tue Jul 1 22:11:40 CEST 2014

Dear TeX Lucida font users:

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of Lucida fonts, we have made a web site:


showing most of the new fonts we've developed, beyond the OT math fonts.

For international users, the Lucida Grande family, including Grande Mono,
and the monospaced Console and Retro families are offered in the WGL
character set containing extended Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic Unicode
character sets, plus assorted signs, symbols and graphics, for example:


The other families are currently in Basic Latin (= ASCII) only.
Not that we are intentionally Anglocentric, but ASCII is a starting place,
and it will take some time to add the European Latin character blocks.

In process are Lucida Roundhand fonts, like those in the Math fonts,
but fitted and spaced, with some new letter forms, for continuous text.

-- Chuck Bigelow
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