[lucida] Encyclopedic info on Lucida in latest TUGboat

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at me.com
Wed Oct 9 14:38:20 CEST 2013

This morning issue 34:2 of TUGboat reached my mailbox. In it, among other interesting papers is an in-depth interview of Prof. Charles Bigelow, which current TUG members can read at


For people interested in Lucida fonts that's an invaluable source of information, where a number of related issues are also discussed: quadratic vs. cubic splines (ie TrueType vs. Type 1), hinting vs. anti-aliasing, the benefits of OpenType, and much more.

As an illustration, the font list at the end of this message gives an idea of the number of fonts and topics discussed in the interview.

Following in the issue


is another paper by Prof. Bigelow


this time on zero-related symbols (zero, empty set, etc.), considering Lucida along with other fonts.

Lucida fans rejoice!

Bruno Voisin

$ pdffonts tb107bigelow-wang.pdf
name                                 type              emb sub uni object ID
------------------------------------ ----------------- --- --- --- ---------
VXDCPT+LucidaBright                  Type 1            yes yes no       8  0
DGJNVA+LucidaBright-Demi             Type 1            yes yes no       9  0
NQXMGY+LucidaBright-Oblique          Type 1            yes yes no      10  0
OESECX+LucidaSans-Typewriter         Type 1            yes yes no      11  0
NUPAIR+LucidaGrande                  TrueType          yes yes no      18  0
ZUOALQ+LucidaGrande                  TrueType          yes yes yes     19  0
ETLIMI+Helvetica                     TrueType          yes yes no      61  0
HNJQUD+Lucida                        TrueType          yes yes no      62  0
EBSCIX+LucidaGrande                  TrueType          yes yes yes     83  0
EBSCIX+Lucidaorig                    TrueType          yes yes yes     84  0
EBSCIX+Constantia                    TrueType          yes yes yes     85  0
EBSCIX+LucidaSans                    TrueType          yes yes yes     86  0
EBSCIX+LucidaBright                  TrueType          yes yes yes     87  0
EBSCIX+Verdana                       TrueType          yes yes yes     88  0
EBSCIX+Georgia                       TrueType          yes yes yes     89  0
EBSCIX+Calibri                       TrueType          yes yes yes     90  0
EBSCIX+Candara                       TrueType          yes yes yes     91  0
EBSCIX+Corbel                        TrueType          yes yes yes     92  0
EBSCIX+Cambria                       TrueType          yes yes yes     93  0
NUPAIR+LucidaGrande                  TrueType          yes yes no     148  0
ZUOALQ+LucidaGrande                  TrueType          yes yes yes    149  0
DRRCUV+LucidaGrande                  TrueType          yes yes no     177  0
NMKXDR+Lucida                        TrueType          yes yes no     202  0
NADVEF+LucidaBright                  TrueType          yes yes yes    225  0
NADVEF+LucidaBright-Italic           TrueType          yes yes yes    226  0
NADVEF+LucidaBlackletter             TrueType          yes yes yes    227  0
NADVEF+LucidaTypewriter              TrueType          yes yes yes    228  0
NADVEF+LucidaSans-Typewriter         TrueType          yes yes yes    229  0
NADVEF+LucidaSans                    TrueType          yes yes yes    230  0
NADVEF+LucidaSans-Italic             TrueType          yes yes yes    231  0
NADVEF+LucidaCasual400Norm           TrueType          yes yes yes    232  0
NADVEF+LucidaCasual400Norm-Italic    TrueType          yes yes yes    233  0
NADVEF+LucidaFax                     TrueType          yes yes yes    234  0
NADVEF+LucidaFax-Italic              TrueType          yes yes yes    235  0
NADVEF+LucidaCalligraphy-Italic      TrueType          yes yes yes    236  0
NADVEF+LucidaHandwriting-Italic      TrueType          yes yes yes    237  0
EJXYEH+LucidaBright-Italic           Type 1            yes yes no     291  0
DRRCUV+Helvetica-BoldOblique         Type 1            yes yes no     319  0
QFEWWJ+Helvetica-Oblique             Type 1            yes yes no     320  0
THXRWC+LucidaGrande                  TrueType          yes yes yes    321  0
KZODUP+LucidaGrande                  TrueType          yes yes no     322  0
LQPHOR+LucidaGrande-Bold             TrueType          yes yes no     323  0
NUPAIR+LucidaGrande                  TrueType          yes yes no     455  0
ZUOALQ+LucidaGrande                  TrueType          yes yes yes    456  0
NUPAIR+LucidaGrande                  TrueType          yes yes no     489  0
ZUOALQ+LucidaGrande                  TrueType          yes yes yes    490  0
NUPAIR+LucidaGrande                  TrueType          yes yes no     527  0
ZUOALQ+LucidaGrande                  TrueType          yes yes yes    528  0
OZWBSD+LucidaCalligraphy-Italic      TrueType          yes yes yes    584  0
OZWBSD+Apple-Chancery                TrueType          yes yes yes    585  0
NUPAIR+LucidaGrande                  TrueType          yes yes no     596  0
ZUOALQ+LucidaGrande                  TrueType          yes yes yes    597  0
PITLFY+LucidaSansZeroNorm            TrueType          yes yes no     647  0
TSEPRB+LucidaSansZeroNorm            TrueType          yes yes no     648  0
VYYYEM+LucidaSansZeroNorm            TrueType          yes yes yes    649  0
JZVGAN+Wingdings-Regular             CID TrueType      yes yes yes    681  0
JZVGAN+Wingdings2                    CID TrueType      yes yes yes    682  0
HGEFFU+TpldKhangXiDict               CID Type 0C       yes yes yes    719  0
KTGHBO+TpldKhangXiDict               CID Type 0C       yes yes yes    720  0
CJYQGB+AJensonPro-Regular            Type 1C           yes yes yes    744  0
CJYQGB+LucidaGrandeLight             TrueType          yes yes yes    745  0
CJYQGB+CentaurMT                     TrueType          yes yes yes    746  0
CJYQGB+BreughelCom-55Roman           TrueType          yes yes yes    747  0
MBSZJO+LucidaNewMath-Symbol          Type 1            yes yes no     763  0

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