[lucida] ccaron with wrong caron placement

Mojca Miklavec mojca.miklavec.lists at gmail.com
Sat Feb 20 04:35:17 CET 2010


A friend of mine gave me some text (using Lucida font) for
proofreading before going to publisher. Everything else is fine, but
the caron on ccaron (č) is awfully aligned, in particular on bold
letters (the lower part of caron should be "centered" on the center of
curve, not on the center of letter - letter c is narrower on right
than on the left, so accent is shifted too far to the left). Also, the
height of accent on Č differs considerably when compared to Š and Ž
which should not be the case. I'm not a font expert, but you may ask
Jacko (Boguslaw Jackowski) for advice in case of doubts.

This is a virtual font, so fixing it should be somehow doable. I
didn't check other accents. This is the only special letter that we
use that's not available in the font itself. It would be great if that
could be fixed.

Thanks a lot,
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