[luatex] hyphenation with multiple \patterns

David Carlisle d.p.carlisle at gmail.com
Mon Jan 14 01:05:11 CET 2019

this came about as a lualatex question on stackexchange but I'm
re-asking here, with a plain tex example


In the file at the end the string babababa has hyphenation points
between each letter in all cases except one, highlighted. It seems
particularly odd that the last three, which all use two \patterns
don't work in the same way?

I couldn't find anything in the manual that would explain this (and I
got lost trying to follow the source:-) so asking here....


\csname newlanguage\endcsname\zz

\test{\patterns{a9b ba}}
\test{\patterns{ba a9b}}
\test{\patterns{ba} \patterns{a9b}}% why no hyphens here?
\test{\patterns{ab} \patterns{b9a}}
\test{\patterns{xy} \patterns{a9b}}


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