[luatex] Enable font expansion

Patrick Gundlach patrick at gundla.ch
Sun Feb 10 21:16:38 CET 2019

Hello all,

this has to do with my other problem, but I'd like to open a parallel thread. I believe that my problem is related to font expansion. So my question is:

How do I enable font expansion for a specific font (loaded with luaotfload or without)?

I have tried this, but this has almost no effect:

\font\myfont="file:texgyreheros-regular.otf" at 10bp

and then this in Lua:

tex.adjustspacing = 2

local myfont = font.id("myfont")
tbl = font.getfont(myfont)
tbl.stretch = 40
tbl.shrink = 30
tbl.step = 10
tbl.auto_expand = true

for i,v in pairs(tbl.characters) do
    v.expansion_factor = 1000



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