[luatex] Combining diacritics in some fonts: "(linebreak): invalid list tail, probably missing glue"

Ulrike Fischer luatex at nililand.de
Wed May 10 16:52:13 CEST 2017

Am Wed, 10 May 2017 15:16:24 +0300 schrieb Nikola Lečić:

> Actually, your investigation gives me a perfect workaround: I can
> enclose the problematic words (where a diacritic sign appears in the
> middle) in another language, say \textenglish{}. This way a proper
> kerning is preserved. Losing hyphenation is not a big problem in
> texlive-sr, since there's not many words with combining diacritics in
> it.

You could also load the font with disabled ccmp feature:

\setmainfont[RawFeature={-ccmp}]{Old Standard}

Ulrike Fischer 

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