[luatex] tlluatex-dev TeX Live Manager repository

Norbert Preining preining at logic.at
Tue Mar 14 03:25:26 CET 2017

Hi Bruno,

First of all, thanks for the finding of cslatex/fonttext issue.
This is indeed a problem.

I have updated fmtutil.pl to allow for overriding the -progname
switch in the fmtutil.cnf file. By now this was not possible.

THat means:
* tomorrow (didn't make it for today's update) texlive-scripts will
  be updated
* I will push a new release to the tlluatex-dev repository with
  the adjust fmtutil.cnf entries
* after that a rebuild of the formats should created the formats
  in the proper way.

I am still surprised that I didn't see this extra warning, so please
retry after the above procedure, and after removing the texmf.cnf
adjustments you made.



PREINING Norbert                               http://www.preining.info
Accelia Inc.     +    JAIST     +    TeX Live     +    Debian Developer
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