[luatex] tlluatex-dev TeX Live Manager repository

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at me.com
Mon Mar 13 16:28:52 CET 2017

Hi Norbert,

Answering your message and some of your questions on the Lucida list:

> some updates: fmtutil has been updated with today to automatically
> deal with luatex-dev (all -dev) binaries. No need but
> 	tlmgr repository add http://www.preining.info/tlluatex-dev luatex-dev
> 	tlmgr pinning add luatex-dev '*'
> 	tlmgr install luatex-dev

Works here on the Mac.

One slight adaptation is required for the GUI TeXShop, which is Mac-specific and selects binaries and formats through an Engines submenu. The default definition file LuaLaTeX.engine contains

set path= ($path /Library/TeX/texbin /usr/texbin /usr/local/bin)
lualatex -file-line-error -synctex=1 "$1"

Replacing lualatex there by lualatex1 doesn't work (as -file-line-error is for the original lualatex binary, not your script lualatex1). Based on your script I created a new LuaLaTeX-dev.engine containing

set path= ($path /Library/TeX/texbin /usr/texbin /usr/local/bin)
luatex-dev -progname=luatex -fmt=lualatex1 -file-line-error -synctex=1 "$1"

and things work transparently.

Same for the cross-platform TeXworks, which uses "processing tools". You need to either define a new tool in its Preferences interface

or edit the file tools.ini in its prefs directory, to add

arguments=-progname, luatex, -fmt, lualatex1, $synctexoption, $fullname

(the number on top is just the position of the tool in the submenu).

> and you will automatically get luatex 1.0.3, and can run the various
> formats by appending a 1:
>> 	luatex1
>> 	lualatex1
>> 	dviluatex1
>> 	dvilualatex1

Shouldn't pdfcsplain be included too? I've no idea why, nor did I ever use csplain, but it's in texmf-var/web2c/luatex and fmtutil.cnf contains

pdfcsplain pdftex - -etex -enc csplain-utf8.ini
pdfcsplain xetex - -etex csplain.ini
pdfcsplain luatex - -etex csplain.ini

> Binaries are taken from the context minimals page, the following archs
> are included:
> 	amd64-freebsd
> 	i386-freebsd
> 	i386-linux
> 	x86_64-darwin
> 	x86_64-linux
> Windows is not supported, I have no idea how to create wrappers and
> how to deal with the shared libraries.

Regarding mac universal binaries: I don't think that's cause for concern:

- The last macOS version to support PowerPC is Leopard (aka 10.5) from 2009. Every year on the MacTeX Technical Working Group when preparing the new MacTeX, the question arises, how far back macOS versions should we extend support to. I think the decision was made last year to drop PPC support with MacTeX 2017.

- The ppc build at context minimals (2016-09-27 for osx-ppc) is lagging behind the intel builds (2017-02-16 for osx-64 and osx-intel), so I'm not sure it's updated any more. It should probably be considered obsolete.

In any case, looking yesterday at <http://www.tug.org/texlive/> I realized tl2017-pretest should start soon (next month), so all this will become secondary by then.


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