[luatex] whatsit generation

Frank Mittelbach frank.mittelbach at latex-project.org
Tue May 10 14:45:51 CEST 2016

can somebody help with a (probably) trivial question?

I would like to generate a user-defined whatsit (8,44) with type = table 

but my idea what "116 a Lua token list in Lua table form" means seems to 
be wrong. I thought something like

   local n = node.new ( 8, 44 )  %-- whatsit subtype = user-defined
   n.user_id  = 5
   n.type  = 116
   n.value = {ht = 100 , dp = 10}

should work, but that doesn't seem to be right, at least n.value.ht is 
"nil" afterwards


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