[luatex] Problem with luacode in sty file

Ulrike Fischer luatex at nililand.de
Thu Jul 3 14:26:40 CEST 2014

Am Thu, 3 Jul 2014 13:42:59 +0200 schrieb Matthieu Berret:

> Hello, I'm trying to include a gcd function using lua in a sty file.
> Here is the code of euclide.sty :

> The lualatex compilation give me errors :
>     Runaway argument?
>     ! File ended while scanning use of \luacode at grab@lines.
>     <inserted text>
>     \par
>     l.4

Works fine for me. You get such an error if \end{luacode} is not
found. E.g. when it is not on a line of its own, or when you mistype
the command. So check the end of lines and for invisible chars. 

Ulrike Fischer 

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