[luatex] [Dev-luatex] Luatex 0.78.0 announcement

Paul Isambert zappathustra at free.fr
Thu Jan 2 10:58:26 CET 2014

Taco Hoekwater <taco at bittext.nl> a écrit:
> Hi,
> I have just uploaded the archives for a new luatex release, 0.78.0.
> This release merges some experimental branches, and fixes a few of the 
> outstanding bugs.

Thanks Taco and the team!

> * Instead of using expanded fonts, just calculate the expanded
>    width of glyphs where needed, and carry expand info in the
>    glyph nodes (all based on Hans' suggestions). All font expansion
>    functions are disabled and most are removed.

Nice: now glyphs in expanded lines still have their original “font”

If I’m not mistaken, the width of and expanded glyph (or kern) is:

    n.width + n.width * n.expansion_factor/1,000,000

Is that correct?

[Note that “expansion_factor” is mentionned but not documented for

> * New, faster (but limited) direct node access from lua, see
>    the manual for details

>From what I can understand from the manual, “node.getnext(n)” is
faster than “node.next(n)” which is faster than “n.next”; but faster
still is “node.direct.getnext(node.direct.todirect(n))”; is that

[The “todirect” function is said to exist in both “node” and
“node.direct”, but it is only in the latter.]

Finally, when I tried to run the new LuaTeX with old formats, I got a
“segmentation fault” rather than a “fatal format error”.

Happy new year to all,

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