[luatex] font feature with new luaotfload

Philipp Gesang Philipp.Gesang at alumni.uni-heidelberg.de
Fri May 10 13:30:09 CEST 2013

···<date: 2013-05-10, Friday>···<from: Hironori KITAGAWA>···

> I tried the following source with TeX Live 2013 pretest.
> ---
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage{fontspec}
> \begin{document}
> \fontspec[RawFeature=+pwid]{KozMinPr6N-Regular}
> A…B
> \fontspec[RawFeature=+fwid]{KozMinPr6N-Regular}
> A…B
> \end{document}
> ---
> But I got unintentional result from LuaLaTeX with luaotfload v2.2.
> In concrete terms, '…' in the second line should be replaced by 
> its fullwidth variants CID #668 (as in koz-xetex.pdf), 
> but it doesn't so ('…' is not replaced) in koz-luatex.pdf. 

Confirmed. This is the code translated to Context:


Below is the patch translated for font-otf.lua.


--- font-otf.lua.orig	2013-05-10 13:24:16.252748027 +0200
+++ font-otf.lua	2013-05-10 13:25:00.830697179 +0200
@@ -644,6 +644,9 @@
                             if not unicode or unicode == -1 or unicode >= criterium then
                                 unicode = cidunicodes[index]
+                            if unicode and descriptions[unicode] then
+                              unicode = -1
+                            end
                             if not unicode or unicode == -1 or unicode >= criterium then
                                 if not name then
                                     name = format("u%06X",private)
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