[luatex] The node returned by node.traverse().

Paul Isambert zappathustra at free.fr
Thu Feb 16 09:31:47 CET 2012

Patrick Gundlach <patrick at gundla.ch> a écrit:
> > 
> > local function NodeNumber (n)
> >  return tostring(n):match("<%s+(%d+)%s+>")
> > end
> > 
> > which can then be used as an index, under the assumption that node
> > numbers are never reused.
> Taco once wrote here
> "This number uniquely identifies a node for as long as it stays
> allocated, yes. If it is freed, a new node may have the same
> number."

Ah, I should have reread the Scriptures. Then I guess only attributes
may uniquely identify nodes... unless I humbly request a "uniqueid"
field present in all nodes, but that might not be extremely interesting
beside my particular problem.


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