[luatex] LuaTeX Bug 769

Philipp Stephani p.stephani2 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 15 18:37:15 CET 2012


bug 769 (http://tracker.luatex.org/view.php?id=769) was just closed,
unfortunately the problem persists with the plain format. To give a bit
more detail, compiling the document


with a LuaTeX from an up-to-date TeX Live 2012, using the "luatex" command
without any options, results in the black box mentioned in the bug. Maybe
this is a format problem instead of an engine problem, but then the plain
format that TeX Live's luatex loads by default is buggy. The complete
output of the document is:

Completed box being shipped out [1]
\vbox(667.20255+0.0)x469.75499, direction TLT
.\vbox(0.0+0.0)x469.75499, glue set 14.0fil, direction TLT
..\glue -22.5
..\hbox(8.5+0.0)x469.75499, glue set 469.755fil, direction TLT
...\vbox(8.5+0.0)x0.0, direction TLT
...\glue 0.0 plus 1.0fil
..\glue 0.0 plus 1.0fil minus 1.0fil
.\vbox(643.20255+0.0)x469.75499, glue set 576.0133fill, direction TLT
..\glue(\topskip) 0.0
..\hbox(54.39063+12.79865)x469.75499, glue set 424.75494fil, direction TLT
...\hbox(0.0+0.0)x20.0, direction TLT
...\hbox(54.39063+12.79865)x25.00006, direction TLT
....\vbox(36.00035+0.0)x10.55559, shifted -17.9903, direction TLT
.....\hbox(0.39998+5.60007)x10.55559, direction TLT
......\tenex v
.....\hbox(0.0+6.00006)x10.55559, direction TLT
......\tenex u
.....\hbox(0.0+6.00006)x10.55559, direction TLT
......\tenex u
.....\hbox(0.0+18.00018)x10.55559, direction TLT
......\tenex t
....\vbox(54.39063+12.79865)x14.44447, direction TLT
.....\vbox(16.51393+12.79865)x14.44447, direction TLT
......\hbox(3.01389+0.0)x14.44447, glue set 4.75058fil, direction TLT
.......\glue 0.0 plus 1.0fil minus 1.0fil
.......\seveni n
.......\glue 0.0 plus 1.0fil minus 1.0fil
......\hbox(10.50006+5.50006)x14.44447, direction TLT
.......\hbox(1.0+15.00012)x14.44447, shifted -9.50006, direction TLT
........\tenex X
......\hbox(4.63193+0.0)x14.44447, glue set 0.74507fil, direction TLT
.......\glue 0.0 plus 1.0fil minus 1.0fil
.......\seveni i
.......\sevenrm =
.......\sevenrm 0
.......\glue 0.0 plus 1.0fil minus 1.0fil
...\penalty 10000
...\glue(\parfillskip) 0.0 plus 1.0fil
...\glue(\rightskip) 0.0
..\glue 0.0 plus 1.0fill
.\glue(\baselineskip) 17.55556
.\hbox(6.44444+0.0)x469.75499, glue set 232.37749fil, direction TLT
..\glue 0.0 plus 1.0fil minus 1.0fil
..\tenrm 1
..\glue 0.0 plus 1.0fil minus 1.0fil

and the math list is:

### math mode entered at line 5
..\fam3 P
.^\fam1 n
._.\fam1 i
._.\fam0 =
._.\fam0 0

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