[luatex] Typesetting URLs

Ulrike Fischer luatex at nililand.de
Wed May 18 12:47:38 CEST 2011

Am Wed, 18 May 2011 12:14:37 +0200 schrieb Heilmann, Till A.:

> Sorry to bother you again with this, guys, but apparently
> something has changed with LuaTeX beta 0.70 so that Paul's and
> Ulrike's code to typeset URLs (see below) doesn't work when the
> string contains a _ character (this problem was corrected by
> Ulrike a few days ago but now seems to have resurfaced). Any
> thoughts on this?

Obviously "-2" in the tex.sprint command no longer gives a
catcodetable where everything has catcode 12. Looks like a bug. But
you can replace the -2 by \the\CatcodeTableString from luatexbase:


%\directlua{tex.sprint(-2,"a_b")} %error

Ulrike Fischer 

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