[luatex] find breakpoints in a word

Paul Isambert zappathustra at free.fr
Thu Jun 23 11:12:02 CEST 2011

Le 23/06/2011 10:59, Patrick Gundlach a écrit :
> Hi,
> I'd like to find out the breakpoints of a word (with Lua), such as
> \showhyphens{office}
> The ideal solution would be to get a string like "of-fice".
> I think I can do a call to tex.hyphenation and analyze the nodelist afterwards. But perhaps there is a clean solution already present.

You have to call tex.ligaturing too, because ligatures may change 
hyphenation. And you might get special kinds of disc nodes. See section 
6.5 of the manual.

> Patrick
> BTW: what is preferred: tex.lccode[x]=y or tex.setlccode(x,y)?

In the second case you can specify "global", whereas in the first case 
the assignment is necessary local. So in some cases the function 
approach is the only one that'll work.


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