[luatex] Hyphenation in plain TeX

Vladimir Lomov lomov.vl at gmail.com
Fri Oct 8 15:03:36 CEST 2010

Hi Mojca, Arthur.

** Arthur Reutenauer [2010-10-08 12:26:10 +0200]:
  Mojca Miklavec == MM
  Arthur Reutenauer == AR

MM>> Sure, but in German or French it's only "every tenth" letter that is
MM>> problematic, so TeX will still hyphenate somewhere using the remaining
MM>> nine ascii ones. It will definitely miss many allowed hyphenations,
MM>> but it will still look OK.
AR>   Yes, that is the explanation.
Yes, that it is the explataion (sorry for doubling you statement :)

There are probably better ways to do that, but it would make the parser
more complex.  I do, occasionally, struggle feebly against complexity...  :-)
             -- Larry Wall in <7886 at jpl-devvax.JPL.NASA.GOV>

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