[luatex] LuaTeX and LuaLaTeX logos

Hans Hagen pragma at wxs.nl
Thu Mar 11 19:56:50 CET 2010

On 10-3-2010 10:54, Heiko Oberdiek wrote:

> Using `o' it remains hidden whether the font contains `aT' kerning.
> Therefore I think `a' should be used instead of `o'.

sure, it's just an example that assumes that there is no aT kern but 
maybe a Ta which is then wrong since the shape is non symmetrical hence 
the o.

>>     \ifdim\wd0=\wd2
>>       \setbox0\hbox dir TRT{To}%
> I don't see the point in using TRT. What's the difference to \hbox{oT}?

lack of kerns of oT in most fonts (we often have upper-lower kerns but 
not the reverse); the TRT is just a touch of luatex -)

> A variant that tries the implicite kernings in the order of
> `aT', `oT', `To'. Also the code is compatible to plain-TeX:

you mean traditional (non-etex) i guess

> \def\LuaTeX{%
>    \begingroup
>      Lua%
>      \setbox0\hbox{aT}%
>      \setbox2\hbox{a\kern0ptT}%
>      \ifdim\wd0<\wd2 %
>      \else
>        \setbox0\hbox{oT}%
>        \setbox2\hbox{o\kern0ptT}%
>        \ifdim\wd0<\wd2 %
>        \else
>          \setbox0\hbox{To}%
>          \setbox2\hbox{T\kern0pto}%
>        \fi
>        \ifdim\wd0<\wd2 %
>          \dimen0=\wd0 %
>          \advance\dimen0-\wd2 %
>          \kern\dimen0 %
>        \fi
>      \fi
>      \TeX
>    \endgroup
> }

sure testing for those often non present kerns makes sense and we need a 
bit of stay in hmode code and so and we get our complicated looking logo -)

btw, regular times makes a nice test case


                                           Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
               Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
      tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | www.pragma-ade.com
                                              | www.pragma-pod.nl

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