[luatex] problem with slnunicode's find

Stephan Hennig mailing_list at arcor.de
Mon Mar 1 23:17:48 CET 2010

Am 01.03.2010 19:42, schrieb Patrick Gundlach:

>> I would expect the positions of 'b' being 2 and 3, resp., as that
>> are the lengths of the strings as returned by unicode.utf8.len.
>> However, unicode.utf8.find seems to have another notion of the
>> length of a string.
> It is documented: (Well, sort of, you need to downlaod the slunicode
> library and look into 'unittest'.)

Thanks for the pointer!

> --	NOTE: find positions are in bytes for all ctypes!
 > --	use ascii.sub to cut found ranges!

Hmm, neither do I want to cut something nor do I have a range available. 
  I just want to count.  Attached is my attempt of a utf8 aware find 
function based on the utf8 aware parts of slnunicode.  Comments and 
improvements are welcome!

> --	this is a) faster b) more reliable

But leaves this simple case uncovered. :/

Best regards,
Stephan Hennig
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