[luatex] convention for lua packages and file names

Elie Roux elie.roux at telecom-bretagne.eu
Wed Feb 18 09:01:52 CET 2009

Karl Berry a écrit :
>     Here is a concrete example: I'm finishing a package that uses mplib to 
> What is the name of the package?  mplib?  That would concern me, since
> mplib is the project name of the actual library.

The package is currently called mplib yes, but I must say it's a default 
name, I can't find a better one... The goal is to simply typeset 
metapost in LuaTeX, like this


>     The .lua file registers a module called 'metapost'. I think the 
> I think using such a generic name is undesirable.  Yours probably won't
> be the only package using MetaPost from LuaTeX.  Instead, I think the
> module should include the package name somehow.

Sure. Once again it's a default name...

> luamplib by analogy with the xe... that we have for many xetex-specific
> packages.  Although it's not perfect, since lua has other meanings
> besides luatex.  luatexmplib?  Yuck.

maybe prefixing all with simple would do the trick? simplemplib.sty and 
simplemplib.lua? Or a random two-letter prefix, for example lkmplib, 
ermplib, ctmplib?

> I don't have a good answer right now.  It deserves some thought.
> Outlining (again) the different packages you have in mind right now
> could help.

The packages I have in mind are

lua-inputenc -> luainputenc
luamcallbacks -> mcallbacks as it will only be a .lua file (no .sty nor 
.tex) loaded by luatextra
mplib -> lkmplib?

Thank you!

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