[luatex] lua-inputenc

Elie Roux elie.roux at telecom-bretagne.eu
Sat Feb 14 20:25:52 CET 2009

Elie Roux a écrit :
> Hello,
> I have written a first version of the inputenc package for LuaTeX 
> (http://norgz.guiling.fr/lua-inputenc.zip), it simply registers an 
> encoding translation function in the callback process_input_buffer. 
> The problem (as pointed out earlier by Arthur) is aux files, as LaTeX 
> writes them in a special encoding (LICR), and it totally breaks my 
> code, as shown by the example file http://norgz.guiling.fr/test.tex, 
> to compile two times with pdfLuaLaTeX to get the wrong encoding. I 
> know LICR is not at all a LuaTeX problem, but I'm seeking a solution 
> or some good documentation on this, I hope someone on this list will 
> have some...

Sorry for this mail, I just haven't tested enough...

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