[luatex] otf fonts (ligatures, cache, etc.)

Elie Roux elie.roux at telecom-bretagne.eu
Tue Apr 7 08:38:09 CEST 2009

Karl Berry a écrit :
>     for example 1/4 (I'm sure there are more pertinent examples 
> For example, "ffi" and "ffl" are standard ligatures in English.

In most latine languages too, but these are special, as the mechanism 
is: ffi -> f_fi -> f_f_i, and you can't have this mechanism on 1/4, 
because 1_/ does not exist, where f_f does.

So I guess this must be done at nodes processing level... Could someone 
send me a short example of an long arab ligature (in a text file), and a 
pointer to an arab font having this ligature?

Thank you!

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