[lltx] [bvoisin at icloud.com: [tex-live] luaotfload.pdf messed up]

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Mon Apr 16 00:57:50 CEST 2018

Forwarding this report by BrunoV of an extra run needed for the
luaotfload manual.

Also, it would be ideal for the luaotfload manual to use fonts that are
in TL.  (And referenced by filename, so there's a chance of it going
through on others' machines.)  --thanks,karl.

Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2018 18:35:25 +0200
From: Bruno Voisin <bvoisin at icloud.com>
To: tex-live at tug.org
Subject: [tex-live] luaotfload.pdf messed up

Motivated by today's last-minute update of the luaotfload package in
tlpretest, I had a look at the doc file luaotfload.pdf and realized it
is a bit messed up:

- The beginning of section 3 on p. 3 refers to a figure 1 providing a
  formal description of the font loading syntax. There is no such
  figure, and the figure number "1" links to figure 2 on p. 23 (on a
  different topic).

- Section 6.2 on p. 11 refers to a table 1 listing the search paths for
  each OS. The table caption is at the top of p. 11, but the table
  content at the top of p. 12 (without any caption, then).

This feels like one more LaTeX run would be required to put everything
into place. To confirm that I tried to process luaotfload-latex.tex from
source/luatex/luaotfload, but it requires additional components not in
TeX Live (Liberation Mono for one thing).

The problem if any isn't new, as the doc file dates back to February

Bruno Voisin (who isn't on the list)

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