[lltx] luaotfload: Adjusting OpenType math parameters

Graham Douglas graham.douglas at readytext.co.uk
Tue Jul 19 14:24:35 CEST 2016

On 19/07/2016 13:06, Graham Douglas wrote:
> Hi All
> I'm just starting to explore LuaTeX's OpenType math typesetting
> capabilities and would like to adjust some of the OpenType parameter
> values to fine-tune some spacing. Just out of curiosity I wrote a tiny
> aux library function so that I can explore the values (details below if
> anyone interested).
> My question is, what is the safest or "official" way via luaotfload to
> make adjustments to OpenType math parameters which will minimize risk of
> breaking something?
> <snip>

Sorry, I forgot to mention. In the docs it references the patch_font
callback --- is that the place to adjust OpenType math params?



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