[lltx] Luaotfload and Miktex

Ulrike Fischer news3 at nililand.de
Fri May 10 08:59:56 CEST 2013

Am Thu, 9 May 2013 19:36:37 +0200 schrieb Philipp Gesang:

> Not really. But judging from your logs your luatex binary is
> *really* out of date. There’s even warning:
>     Module luaotfload warning: LuaTeX v0.70 is old, v0.76 is recommended.
> The font loader relies on Luatex features like node.end_of_math()
> so it is likely to break with your binary. Are you certain that
> you did a complete update?

Miktex doesn't have luatex 0.76. And actually doesn't intend to
update until version 0.80:

To quote Christian on the mailing list:

"Usually only x.x0 versions of LuaTeX are included in the MiKTeX 
distribution. See http://luatex.org/roadmap.html:

'...major releases (x.x0 versions) are stable enough to be used for 
production work...'"

Is a newer version really necessary? 

Ulrike Fischer 

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