[lltx] [tex-live] Updating TeXLive 2010 using tlgmr
Robin Fairbairns
Robin.Fairbairns at cl.cam.ac.uk
Thu Sep 15 20:57:12 CEST 2011
Will Robertson <wspr81 at gmail.com> wrote:
> (Sent quickly. Please excuse brevity.)
> On 16/09/2011, at 12:00 AM, Khaled Hosny <khaledhosny at eglug.org> wrote:
> > I'm not sure what is the issue here either, but I think it would be good
> > to not try to load fonts that is never used in the document, e.g. if I
> > use fontspec and set a roman font and don't have any text using sans or
> > typewriter fonts then why I need LM or any other font that I'm not using
> > at all?
> Because users first try to load the package without selecting a font
> and wonder why their accents don't work.
fair enough. they need an error message rather than selecting a font
for them. we've surely had enough of "latex's all right, but the font's
a bore", from the default of cm in the old days.
> I might change fontspec to only load LM if no other font has been
> selected in the preamble. I'm still unsure whether LM is included or
> not in tex live or miktex minimal installations; I always assumed it
> was and this is the first time I've heard otherwise.
definitely not. but then texlive minimal doesn't contain latex, either
so it's not an issue in the current context ;-)
(you asked earlier why cm _is_ in texlive minimal ... and the answer is,
that way don knuth can use it. the same reason we have a non-etex
non-pdftex "tex" executable. it's tiresome, but if it weren't for him,
we wouldn't be having all this <cough>fun</cough> in the first place.)
anyway, _you_ needn't worry about an error report from don! ;)
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