[lltx] luaotfload update

Paul Isambert zappathustra at free.fr
Thu Oct 6 09:18:22 CEST 2011

Le 06/10/2011 08:59, Patrick Gundlach a écrit :
>> what are the chances this could be written with a Lua callback?
> I've thought about replacing all "---" by an em-dash and all "--" by an en-dash with a "process_input_buffer" callback. But this won't work.

"process_input_buffer" is indeed a bad idea for such a replacement. But 
it can be done while processing a node list: replace sequences of nodes 
(e.g. two hyphen nodes) by something else (an en-dash). That's basically 
how contextual ligatures are implemented (and even simple ligatures when 
luaotfload is in "node" mode, if I remember correctly), so it's no big deal.


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