[lltx] \hyphenation has no effect?
Arno Trautmann
Arno.Trautmann at gmx.de
Sat Jun 25 17:31:42 CEST 2011
Hi all,
I have a somewhat strange situation: A participant of my LaTeX course
has problems with the following document:
Dies ist ein Text, der zeigen soll, dass es nicht immer möglich ist
richtig Wörter zu trennen. Es ist nicht immer einfach zu entscheiden,
vorallem bei Wörtern wie Bombenanschlag.
The word "Bombenanschlag" should be hyphenated as indicated, but without
hyphenation patterns, it is hyphenated "Bombe-nanschlag". With XeLaTeX,
everything works as expected, but with LuaLaTeX the \hyphenation does
not seem to do anything.
A diff of the log files shows a difference for XeLaTeX (one more
hyphenation exception, as expected), but for LuaLaTeX, the log files are
the same, and attached to this mail.
I cannot reproduce his problem, and am not sure if it might be due to
his older LuaTeX version (0.60, from latest TeXlive 2010) – or that he
works on a Windows machine and I am on Linux x64?
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