[lltx] quietening lualatex console output

Philipp Stephani st_philipp at yahoo.de
Mon Feb 21 23:01:12 CET 2011

Am 17.02.2011 um 13:05 schrieb Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard:

> Hi,
> Sorry for replying so lately, I haven't been reading the list recently.

I'm CC'ing to the list, hope that's ok.

> Le 29/01/2011 10:58, Philipp Stephani a écrit :
>> Am 29.01.2011 um 05:04 schrieb Will Robertson:
>>> When I run a unicode-math document with LuaLaTeX, here's the console output
>>> I get purely related to loading the various Lua stuff:
>>> [...]
>>> Is there any way to make this quieter? (Can lua files be loaded from lua
>>> without being printed in the console output?)
> Future versions of luatexbase may be packed in only one sty file and one lua
> file, which would reduce output.

That would be nice, but only as a temporary solution. (Imagine a recommendation for C++ programmers to put their complete code in one file—such a suggestion would be immediately dismissed as absurd.) LuaTeX should really print file names only if the user requests it, and even then in a readable format without parentheses etc.

> For lualibs, I don't know. Printing lua file
> names was considered a feature, for consistency with TeX and ease of debugging.

If there is any possibility, this should be turned off. The Rule of Silence says: When a program has nothing surprising to say, it should say nothing. So, ideally, running lualatex on a file that produces no errors or warnings should not output any single character.
When I have lots of time (i.e. probably never), I plan to investigate how far silencing can go:
- \GenericError etc. can be overwritten to produce sensible messages (file-line-error style, no line breaks)
- LuaTeX already has the possibility to suppress page number printing
- One could switch to \batchmode and then back for every error and warning, but I consider that a hack

>> Also, expl3 should
>> probably move to the latex-base collection of TeX Live since it is nowadays
>> required by important packages such as fontspec and siunitx.
> We happened to discuss this yesterday, and agreed to move both fontspec and
> expl3 to collection-latex-recommended since fontspec is no longer pecific to
> xetex, and expl3 is expected to be used by an increasing number of packages.


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