[lltx] \n bug in beta 0.67?

Graham Douglas graham.douglas at readytext.co.uk
Sun Apr 24 01:17:10 CEST 2011

Hi All

I just built beta 0.67 using Windows Vista and think there is a small
bug. I built a PDF previously working under 0.66 which
fails to dispay in Acrobat when built with 0.67
(displays OK with Evince, which is more forgiving...)

Running under 0.67 with \pdfcompresslevel =0 gives the following PDF 
content around a 45 0 obj which looks like a newline is missing

45 0 obj
306endobj <------ looks wrong

Running under 0.66 with \pdfcompresslevel =0 gives the following PDF 
content around a 45 0 obj which looks to show that in 0.67 a newline
is indeed missing.

45 0 obj

Happy to send 0.66 and 0.67 PDFs direct if required (rather large, ~2.5 
MB each).

Hope this is helpful



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