[lltx] Hyphenation problems

Khaled Hosny khaledhosny at eglug.org
Sat Oct 9 10:06:14 CEST 2010

On Sat, Oct 09, 2010 at 10:00:57AM +0200, Simon Spiegel wrote:
> Hi,
> I understand that luatex has a completely new hyphenation system so that pdflatex and lualatex documents will not be hyphenated the same way. That wouldn't be a problem for me, but in my tests, lualatex's hyphenation is significantly worse than what I'm normally used to with latex. The problem I'm seeing is that long words are not hyphenated at all and stick out at the end of the line. With pdflatex this only happens rarely, with lualatex I see it at least a dozen times in a ca. 150 pages document.
> I'm using the latest german patterns with this sequence:
> \usepackage{hyphsubst}
> \HyphSubstLet{ngerman}{ngerman-x-latest}
> \usepackage[USenglish, ngerman]{babel}
> The exact same text is hyphenated much worse with lualatex which is strange since the patterns should be the same.
> Any ideas?

Basically, hyphenation for anything outside ASCII was not active, this
should be solve with next TeXLive update (within few days, I think).


 Khaled Hosny
 Arabic localiser and member of Arabeyes.org team
 Free font developer

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