[lltx] Hyphenation problems

Ulrike Fischer news3 at nililand.de
Fri Nov 5 15:14:09 CET 2010

Am Fri, 05 Nov 2010 14:36:21 +0100 schrieb Taco Hoekwater:

>> Remove the \usepackage[EU2]{fontenc} line. Let fontspec handle the
>> font encoding (EU2 is for lualatex).

> Ok, that fixed it. Now here are the results,
> lualatex: > 179.13103pt.
> xelatex:  > 179.15291pt.
> Based on \tracingall, lualatex has two kerns in that sentence
>    Heute<\kern-0.1095>, mit einig<\kern-0.16425>en Jahrzehnten Abstand
> but I cannot see what ICU does.

Well I made some tests with a text without spaces and there are
always differences:

 Arial XeTex 179.57892pt luatex 179.57878pt.
 Latin       176.98479pt        177.29143pt.

To complicate things some fonts exists in more than one version on
my PC (e.g. in windows/fonts and in the texmf-tree), so one should
check carefully that the same fonts are compared. 

Ulrike Fischer 

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