[lltx] Hyphenation problems

Simon Spiegel simon at simifilm.ch
Fri Nov 5 08:42:13 CET 2010

On 05.11.2010, at 08:26, Will Robertson wrote:

> On 05/11/2010, at 5:03 PM, Simon Spiegel wrote:
>> The following example shows the exact same problem:
> The only problem I can see right now is that XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX seem to treat Linux Libertine in rather different ways. Not sure where this is coming from, but when I execute:
> \newlength\tmp
> \setlength\tmp{\widthof{Heute, mit einigen Jahrzehnten Abstand}}
> \showthe\tmp
> XeLaTeX outputs 174.54298pt and LuaLaTeX outputs 179.13103pt.
> So any differences between the engines that you're seeing needs to take this into account.
> (I wonder why it happens, though! It happens even with a plain \font command. And it's not due to different space sizes.)

The hyphenation problem is definitely not something which only happens with Linux Libertine. I only chose this font for my example because it's free. I'm currently working on a 200 pages book which uses Stempel Garamond LT Pro. Here I regularly get unhyphenated words which stick out at the end of the line. When I run the same document with pdfLaTeX and type 1 fonts, the hyphenation is handled well.

Simon Spiegel
Steinhaldenstr. 50
8002 Zürich

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