[lltx] Can luatex auto-run mkluatexfontdb ?

Will Robertson wspr81 at gmail.com
Wed May 19 01:33:04 CEST 2010

On 19/05/2010, at 8:34 AM, Karl Berry wrote:

> One thing that comes to mind is that we (that is, install-tl) could set,
> not OSFONTDIR, but OSFONTDIR.lualatex.  Then the value couldn't affect
> non-lualatex users.  and it would be a way to get experience with how
> well these directories really work.

Without (personally) knowing how ConTeXt is using this env variable, this seems quite prudent, if that (being the use of a texmf.cnf assignment) is the option we end up choosing.

> Hardwiring the directory list in luaotfload would achieve the same thing
> and does not actually sound like a bad thing to me.  Do you already have
> platform-specific code there?

Yes, at the moment, but Khaled was trying (I think) to avoid this situation. I'm fine with keeping the directories hard-wired into luaotfload at least for now.

-- Will

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