[lltx] directlua

Elie Roux elie.roux at telecom-bretagne.eu
Mon May 10 19:40:24 CEST 2010


I'm changing the code in luamplib, and I'm loading only 
luatexbase-modutils. The problem is that now I don't have the mapping 
directlua -> luadirect. This mapping was done when there was quite a 
madness about prefixing everything, but now things seem to calm down... 
so should we keep directlua or should we use luadirect? If we must use 
luadirect, then it would make sense to have a luatexbase.sty that does 
it, for packages to load it and automatically have things working... 
requiring all packages to load luatexbase-compat seems a bit weird 
(especially the name).

Thank you,

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