[lltx] luatex logo

Elie Roux elie.roux at telecom-bretagne.eu
Thu May 13 22:46:35 CEST 2010

Heiko Oberdiek a écrit :
> The latter I have put in the quite new package `hologo'.

Interesting, thank you!

There are though some interesting features that I like in metalogo (like 
some more beautiful kernings for some fonts and the possibility to 
adjust them and to share the settings... I really hope a solution could 
be found (integrating the automatic kerning trick into metalogo, but I 
doubt it will be accepted...), but I think that the only possibility to 
have a nice logo is to do it by hand, for example by combining the 
\HOLOGO at NegativeKerning{aT,oT,To} for the aT spacing and some metalogo 
settings for the TeX spacings... that's kind of sad.

Thank you,

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