[lltx] euxunicode

Elie Roux elie.roux at telecom-bretagne.eu
Sun Jun 27 17:06:05 CEST 2010

Ulrike Fischer a écrit :
> Hello,
> after an update of the euenc-package I saw that it now includes a
> version of xunicode euxunicode loaded in a lualatex run by
> eu2enc.def.
> 1. I don't quite understand the need. I have been using xunicode
> quite happily with lualatex. You only need to define \XeTeXpicfile
> e.g. with 
> \ifluatex
>  \def\XeTeXpicfile{}%für xunicode
> \fi
> to cheat the ifxetex-test of xunicode.

This cheating seems terribly wrong... but euxunicode is also wrong 
anyway, its reason of existance if the fact that Ross Moore refuses to 
remove the test for XeTeX... I admit this is a totally ridiculous 
situation, but I'm kind of used to it in the TeX world ;)

> 2. euxunicode contains a \@TestForWongPackage executed at
> \begin{document} which also tests for xunicode. But in this case the
> command is quite useless, you would get a lot of error messages
> before (e.g. from all the \newcommand in xunicode). Why doesn't
> euxunicode disable the loading of xunicode completly with
> \expandafter\def\csname ver at xunicode.sty\endcsname?

Good idea!

> 3. euxunicode has remove "some of the more esoteric control
> sequences". This cleaning-up removed also the guillemets used by
> french and german and so breaks some quoting styles of the csquotes
> package:
> \documentclass[fontsize=12pt]{scrartcl}
> \usepackage[ngerman]{babel}
> \usepackage[autostyle,german=guillemets]{csquotes}
> \MakeAutoQuote «»
> \usepackage{luaotfload}
> \usepackage{fontspec}
> %\DeclareUTFcharacter[\UTFencname]{x00BB}{\guillemotright}
> %\DeclareUTFcharacter[\UTFencname]{x00AB}{\guillemotleft}
> \begin{document}
> «abc»
> \end{document}

Interesting, I'll try to update the package.

Do you (all) think a more appropriate solution would be to make a 
euxunicode package containing



Thank you,

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