[lltx] kerning; am i mad?

Will Robertson wspr81 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 6 21:06:00 CEST 2010

On 07/06/2010, at 3:57 AM, Will Robertson wrote:

>> Using "\font\1=name:Verdana:script=latn\1 Test" I get kerning, so for some reason fontspec stopped applying default script.
> That part of the code did get changed recently.
> I'll take a closer look tomorrow. Good to hear I'm not totally crazy.

I've reduced the problem down to this:

local function check_script(id, script)
   local s = string.lower(script)
   if id and id > 0 then
       local otfdata = fonts.ids[id].shared.otfdata
       if otfdata then
           local features = otfdata.luatex.features
           for i,_ in pairs(features) do
               for j,_ in pairs(features[i]) do
                   if features[i][j][s] then
                       return true
 if check_script(font.id("#1"), "latn") then tex.print("true") else tex.print("false") end

I don't know if this is intentional or not (it feels like a slight bug to me), but it's obviously easy to work around.

Thanks for the help :)
-- Will

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