[lltx] issue with \texorpdfstring{}

Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard mpg at elzevir.fr
Thu Dec 23 10:50:29 CET 2010


Le 23/12/2010 10:13, Pablo Rodríguez a écrit :
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage[spanish]{babel}
> \usepackage{hyperref}
> \begin{document}
> \section{Ley 
> (\texorpdfstring{\begin{hyphenrules}{ancientgreek}νόμος\end{hyphenrules}}{νόμος})}
> \end{document}
> which uses \texorpdfstring to enable hyphenation and aviod problems with 
> hyperref.
> I must be missing something extremely basic, but I don't know why it 
> doesn't work (I get an error: "! Argument of \@sect has an extra }.").
> What am I doing wrong here?
On the tex end, I don't know, but you're probably writing to the wrong
mailing-list. I can reproduce that with pdftex, too, so there is nothing
specific to luatex here. I suggest writing to texhax, or the usenet group


PS: I'm not getting any problem with


I didn't check, but environments are likely not to be robust (ie, not usable in
a moving argument).

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