[latexrefman] New todo's

Bob solimeno at gmail.com
Wed Oct 17 02:59:26 CEST 2018

Hi Karl,  Thanks for the feedback.  I was working on a revision today and
tested \alph and \Alph beyond the numeric range of 1-26 and LaTeX does give
an error. I was thinking of adding a work-around that some people were
advocating on tex.stackexchange.com but I had some difficulty getting a MWE
to work.  A short while ago Jim posted that he's already "coded it up and
sent it in."  So maybe what I was pursuing would be going too far down the
rabbit hole.

Jim - Thanks for going with what I had and I will begin working on \big,
\bigg, etc.

Thanks,  Bob

On Mon, Oct 15, 2018 at 5:41 PM Karl Berry <karl at freefriends.org> wrote:

> Hi Bob - nice, thanks. In reverse order.
>     Commands that cause the counter(s) {counter} to be typeset as a
>     lowercase or uppercase letter.
> Perhaps: ... uppercase (English) letter, a--z or A--Z.
> (Just to be explicit that letters like German es-zet are not included
> here.)
> What I'm curious about is what happens if the value is <1 or >26.
> Does LaTeX report an error? Or does it just typeset some "random"
> character?
>     The accent mark is selected by <number>, a numeric argument,
>     followed by a space and then a <character> argument to construct the
>     accented character in the current font.
> The <number> is a character code in the current font, but the
> <character> can come from a different font. (I'll insert the texbook.tex
> description below since I have it up.) I don't think we need to explain
> everything Knuth does, just say there can be an optional font change
> between the <number> and the <character>.
> Also, for completeness, we should say that the space factor is set to 1000.
> (I didn't remember that until I reread Knuth's description.)
> --thanks, karl.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [from texbook.tex]
> \\^|\accent|\<8-bit number>\<optional assignments>.
> Here ^\<optional assignments> stands for zero or more \<assignment>
> commands other than ^|\setbox|.
> If the assignments are not followed by a \<character>, where
> \<character> stands for any of the commands just discussed in the previous
> paragraph, \TeX\ treats |\accent| as if it were |\char|, except that
> the space factor is set to 1000. Otherwise the character that follows
> the assignment is accented by the character that corresponds to the
> \<8-bit number>. \ (The purpose of the intervening assignments is to
> allow the accenter and accentee to be in different fonts.) \ If the
> accent must be moved up or down, it is put into an hbox that is
> raised or lowered. Then the accent is effectively superposed on the
> character by means of kerns, in such a way that the width of the accent
> does not influence the width of the resulting horizontal list.
> Finally, \TeX\ sets |\spacefactor=1000|.
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