[latexrefman] split the .html's also?

Hefferon, Jim S. jhefferon at smcvt.edu
Sat Jul 7 12:09:27 CEST 2018

> Right, but people might find rsync even easier than bothering with
(un)pack, if they're interested in being up to date.

A good point.

> I see the footer on that page. It is overwriting the previous line,
presumably because of the css

Yes.  I spent an embarrasingly long time trying the various HTML configuration variables to get some identifying info thing in the header.  Did not succeed (and anyway, the top-most page does not have a header).  Likewise for the footer, which also seems to not appear on leaf pages in the tree.  Just put this in as an illustration.



From: Karl Berry <karl at freefriends.org>
Sent: Friday, July 6, 2018 6:23:37 PM
To: Hefferon, Jim S.
Cc: latexrefman at tug.org
Subject: Re: [latexrefman] split the .html's also?

    I had in mind a .zip, so a person could dump it in their web tree.

Right, but people might find rsync even easier than bothering with
(un)pack, if they're interested in being up to date. E.g., what I would
want to do from cron is something like this:
rsync -a puszcza.gnu.org.ua::latexrefman/htmlsplit/ /their/local/web/dir/

Anyway, we can provide both.

    that @math{.. at code aaa}..} gives me monospace that is unslanted.

Oh, @math{@code}. Ok, I yield, since I no longer maintain Texinfo and
Gavin evidently prefers to ignore the problem.

    I like the tiny bit of color.


    currently have a link to the tug.org page for the project

Wouldn't it be better to link to our home page than the
latex2e.html copy I put on tug?


I see the footer on that page. It is overwriting the previous line,
presumably because of the css

Screenshot attached.

    Anyway, I think I am going to do something else for a while.  :-)

Good plan :). --best, k.

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