[latexrefman-discuss] bug in the ML version latex2e-help

Peter Rejto rejto at domain.hid
Fri Feb 12 01:15:48 CET 2016

Thanks Karl.

I am in thr process of learning Beamer and your recent update of ,
december 2015, was very helpful.

Thansk for everything.


On Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 12:38 PM, Karl Berry <karl at domain.hid> wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> Finally getting back to your email about latex2e.xml.
>     Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2015 19:17:41 -0600
>     the bug is in the downloading and not the file.
> I've belatedly understood an arbitrary .xml file, even when associated
> with an correct DTD, cannot be displayed by web browsers.  That even
> makes some sense, since there's no reason why an arbitrary DTD would
> have any kind of display information.
> Admittedly the browser error message about an undefined entity is
> strange.  Apparently browsers do not even bother to look up the DTD
> (where the entity is defined).  Guess they aren't XML validators, either.
> The purpose of the Texinfo .xml output is to provide what amounts to a
> transliteration of the source, for further processing by other software,
> rather than for human consumption.  So I've removed the links from the
> latexrefman web page.  The .xml files are still in the repository, and
> will be updated, in the unlikely event that they ever become useful to
> someone.
> If you want something you can actually view, use whichever of the other
> formats you like.
> Best,
> Karl

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