[latexrefman-discuss] Couple of small contributions

Scott Higinbotham HIGINBOTHAMS at middlesex.mass.edu
Wed Nov 14 00:16:49 CET 2007


Nice to see that the help manual is being updated. As suggested, I
found a few ``xx'' 's in the most recent source (v. 1.9.90), and
came up with a few default values. I did LaTeX the info, so that
the output would be nice looking. I didn't submit what I thought
would be something that could be dropped verbatim into the document.

Hope this helps, and I'll look around the source some more and
see what I can come up with.

Scott Higinbotham--Middlesex Community College--Bedford, MA USA



The following table shows the actual font size that results from
applying each of the ten standard type size commands of \LaTeX\, in
the \texttt{article}, \texttt{report}, \texttt{book} and
\texttt{letter} document classes, for the three available base font 
size options. All values are in points.

    & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\texttt{10pt}} &
      \multicolumn{1}{c}{\texttt{11pt}} &
      \multicolumn{1}{c}{\texttt{12pt}}             \\
\verb|\tiny|         &5          &6          &6     \\
\verb|\scriptsize|   &7          &8          &8     \\
\verb|\footnotesize| &8          &9          &10    \\
\verb|\small|        &9          &10         &10.95 \\
\verb|\normalsize|   &10         &10.95      &12    \\
\verb|\large|        &12         &12         &14.4  \\
\verb|\Large|        &14.4       &14.4       &17.28 \\
\verb|\LARGE|        &17.28      &17.28      &20.74 \\
\verb|\huge|         &20.74      &20.74      &24.88 \\
\verb|\Huge|         &24.88      &24.88      &24.88


The following table shows the actual font size that results from
applying each of the ten standard type size commands of \LaTeX\, in
the \texttt{slides} class. All values are in points.


\verb|\tiny|           &13.82 \\
\verb|\scriptsize|     &16.59 \\
\verb|\footnotesize|   &16.59 \\
\verb|\small|          &16.59 \\
\verb|\normalsize|     &19.907\\
\verb|\large|          &23.89 \\
\verb|\Large|          &28.66 \\
\verb|\LARGE|          &34.4  \\
\verb|\huge|           &41.28 \\
\verb|\Huge|           &41.28


The default value of \verb|\arraystretch| is 1 (set in the kernel).

\verb|\arraycolsep| is $\frac{1}{2}$ the width separating the columns
in an \verb|array| environment. Default values: 5pt, in the
\texttt{article}, \texttt{report}, \texttt{book} and \texttt{letter}
classes; 8pt in the \texttt{slides} class.

\verb|\tablecolsep| is $\frac{1}{2}$ the width separating the columns
in a \verb|tabular| environment. Default values: 6pt, in the
\texttt{article}, \texttt{report}, \texttt{book} and \texttt{letter} 
classes; 8pt in the \texttt{slides} class.

\verb|\arrayrulewidth|  Default values: .4pt, in the \texttt{article}, 
\texttt{report}, \texttt{book} and \texttt{letter} classes; .6pt in 
the \texttt{slides} class.

\verb|\fboxsep|  Default values: 3pt, in the \texttt{article}, 
\texttt{report}, \texttt{book} and \texttt{letter} classes; 5pt in 
the \texttt{slides} class.

\verb|\fboxrule|  Default values: .4pt, in the \texttt{article}, 
\texttt{report}, \texttt{book} and \texttt{letter} classes; .6pt in 
the \texttt{slides} class.

\verb|\doublerulesep|  Default values: 2pt, in the \texttt{article}, 
\texttt{report}, \texttt{book} and \texttt{letter} classes; 3pt in 
the \texttt{slides} class.


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