[latex3-commits] [latex3/latex2e] UF-latex-lab-structelem-fakemath: merge develop (8280cfb9b)

github at latex-project.org github at latex-project.org
Tue Nov 26 10:18:38 CET 2024

Repository : https://github.com/latex3/latex2e
On branch  : UF-latex-lab-structelem-fakemath
Link       : https://github.com/latex3/latex2e/commit/8280cfb9bf8b5bddd3d39edb64d66e5b0cbf8aab


commit 8280cfb9bf8b5bddd3d39edb64d66e5b0cbf8aab
Merge: 1d3ca929b df4eee817
Author: Ulrike Fischer <fischer at troubleshooting-tex.de>
Date:   Tue Nov 26 10:18:38 2024 +0100

    merge develop


 .github/workflows/deploy.yaml                      |    4 +-
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 .../latex2e-first-aid-for-external-files.dtx       |    8 +-
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 .../firstaid/testfiles/firstaid-cleveref-1560.lvt  |   52 +
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 .../testfiles-OR/tlb-multicol-marks-tagged.lvt     |  144 +
 .../testfiles-OR/tlb-multicol-marks-tagged.tlg     |  415 ++
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 .../testfiles-block/blocks-theorem-01.tlg          |   18 +-
 .../testfiles-block/blocks-theorem-02.luatex.tlg   |   10 +-
 .../testfiles-block/blocks-theorem-02.tlg          |   10 +-
 .../testfiles-block/blocks-theorem-03.luatex.tlg   |    2 +-
 .../testfiles-block/blocks-theorem-03.tlg          |    2 +-
 .../testfiles-block/blocks-theorem-04.luatex.tlg   |  211 +-
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 .../testfiles-block/blocks-theorem-04.tlg          |  305 +-
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 .../latex-lab/testfiles-block/blocks-verse-01.lvt  |   16 +
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 .../latex-lab/testfiles-block/tagging-0767.lvt     |  106 +
 .../latex-lab/testfiles-block/tagging-0767.tlg     |  129 +
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 .../testfiles-firstaid/test-amsart-733.tlg         |  232 +-
 .../testfiles-firstaid/test-amsthm-736.lvt         |    7 +-
 .../testfiles-firstaid/test-amsthm-736.tlg         |  179 +-
 required/latex-lab/testfiles-math/mtag-004.tlg     |    2 +-
 required/latex-lab/update-OR-all.sh                |    1 +
 required/latex-lab/update-all.sh                   |    9 +-
 required/latex-lab/update-blocks-all.sh            |   38 +-
 required/tools/README.md                           |    2 +-
 required/tools/multicol.dtx                        |   18 +-
 required/tools/testfiles/github-1558.lvt           |   26 +
 required/tools/testfiles/github-1558.tlg           |    8 +
 texmf/tex/latex/tagpdf/tagpdf-base.sty             |    9 +-
 texmf/tex/latex/tagpdf/tagpdf-debug-generic.sty    |    2 +-
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 texmf/tex/latex/tagpdf/tagpdf-parent-child.csv     |    2 +-
 texmf/tex/latex/tagpdf/tagpdf.lua                  |    4 +-
 texmf/tex/latex/tagpdf/tagpdf.sty                  |    2 +-
 102 files changed, 6425 insertions(+), 3087 deletions(-)

diff --cc required/latex-lab/changes.txt
index 626980171,d784547e5..300e2f0c8
--- a/required/latex-lab/changes.txt
+++ b/required/latex-lab/changes.txt
@@@ -1,10 -1,20 +1,27 @@@
- 2024-11-19 Ulrike Fischer <Ulrike.Fischer at latex-project.org>
++2024-11-26 Ulrike Fischer <Ulrike.Fischer at latex-project.org>
 +	* latex-lab-math.dtx: changed handling of math/mathml/structelem to handle 
 +	fakemath better(tagging/764)
 +	* latex-lab-math.dtx: made all main math sockets tagging sockets and 
 +	assign the plugs directly.
 +	* disable para tagging also in $$-display (tagging/765)
+ 2024-11-23  Frank Mittelbach  <Frank.Mittelbach at latex-project.org>
+ 	* latex-lab-block.dtx (subsubsection{Implementation of block templates \ldots}):
+ 	Use private storage bin for parindent and not \listparindent to decouple block
+ 	and list templates (tagging/767)
+ 	(subsubsection{Blockquote instances}):
+ 	Theorems use their own block-instance and not displayblock to allow for
+ 	customization (tagging/767)
+ 	* latex-lab-firstaid.dtx (subsection{ams classes and amsthm}):
+ 	Move the theorem link target later to not have to force hmode with \leavevmode.
+ 	Otherwise theorems get always an indentation.
+ 2024-11-21 Ulrike Fischer <Ulrike.Fischer at latex-project.org>
+ 	* latex-lab-float.dtx: Correct socket declaration.
  2024-11-18 Joseph Wright <Joseph.Wright at latex-project.org>
  	* latex-lab-math.dtx: Use "@@" for a couple of internals
diff --cc required/latex-lab/latex-lab-math.dtx
index 972759831,4cef4f676..7ff1e7427
--- a/required/latex-lab/latex-lab-math.dtx
+++ b/required/latex-lab/latex-lab-math.dtx
@@@ -19,8 -19,8 +19,8 @@@
  % for those people who are interested or want to report an issue.
- \def\ltlabmathdate{2024-11-19}

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