[latex3-commits] [git/LaTeX3-latex3-luaotfload] dev: continuing documentation multiscript (c07e352)

Ulrike Fischer fischer at troubleshooting-tex.de
Wed Jan 22 23:29:50 CET 2020

Repository : https://github.com/latex3/luaotfload
On branch  : dev
Link       : https://github.com/latex3/luaotfload/commit/c07e352627e3250517116f260657b971fe1ce431


commit c07e352627e3250517116f260657b971fe1ce431
Author: Ulrike Fischer <fischer at troubleshooting-tex.de>
Date:   Wed Jan 22 23:29:50 2020 +0100

    continuing documentation multiscript


 .gitignore                      |   2 +-
 doc/luaotfload-main.tex         |   0
 trials/multiscript-fallback.pdf | Bin 53895 -> 39922 bytes
 trials/multiscript-fallback.tex |  34 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 4 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index aa54672..57f0ac1 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ trials/*.log
diff --git a/trials/multiscript-fallback.pdf b/trials/multiscript-fallback.pdf
index 963c4c6..782bf09 100644
Binary files a/trials/multiscript-fallback.pdf and b/trials/multiscript-fallback.pdf differ
diff --git a/trials/multiscript-fallback.tex b/trials/multiscript-fallback.tex
index 95e634a..1ceda84 100644
--- a/trials/multiscript-fallback.tex
+++ b/trials/multiscript-fallback.tex
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
 % !Mode:: "TeX:DE:UTF-8:Main"
+\setmainfont{Times New Roman}
@@ -33,6 +35,8 @@
+% Key is ISO tag not open type script tag!  
@@ -48,77 +52,79 @@
     cyrl = "Cambria:mode=node;script=cyrl;color=00FF00;",
     grek = "DejaVuSans:mode=harf;script=grek;color=00FF00;",
-    bng2 = "NotoSansBengali:mode=harf;script=bng2;color=00FF00;"
+    beng = "NotoSansBengali:mode=harf;script=bng2;color=00FF00;",
+    zyyy = "Arial:mode=node;color=101000;",
+    zinh = "Arial:mode=node;color=101000;"
+\newcommand\testtext{1234 a^^^^0301 π^^^^0301 a!? π123!? a БѨ123!? a \char"0995\char"09BF a „π“ a „Б“}
 red= fallback, green = bng2 multiscript, blue= beng multiscript.
-\item a!? π!? a БѨ!? a \char"0995\char"09BF
+\item \testtext
 \item \verb+{multiscript=cyrl_grek_beng}+:
--- Why does only beng but not bng2 work?
 -- Why does multiscript trigger fallback fonts?
 \fontspec{Latin Modern Roman}[RawFeature={multiscript=cyrl_grek_beng}]
-a!? π!? a БѨ!? a \char"0995\char"09BF
 \item \verb+{multiscript=cyrl_grek_bng2}+:
 \fontspec{Latin Modern Roman}[RawFeature={multiscript=cyrl_grek_bng2}]
-a!? π!? a БѨ!? a \char"0995\char"09BF
 \item \verb+{multiscript=cyrl_grek_beng,fallback=myfallback}+:
 \fontspec{Latin Modern Roman}[RawFeature={multiscript=cyrl_grek_beng,fallback=myfallback}]
-a!? π!? a БѨ!? \char"0995\char"09BF
 \item \verb+{multiscript=cyrl_grek_bng2,fallback=myfallback}+:
 \fontspec{Latin Modern Roman}[RawFeature={multiscript=cyrl_grek_bng2,fallback=myfallback}]
-a!? π!? a БѨ!? \char"0995\char"09BF
 \item \verb+{multiscript=cyrl,fallback=myfallback}+:
 \fontspec{Latin Modern Roman}[RawFeature={multiscript=cyrl,fallback=myfallback}]
-a!? π!? a БѨ!? \char"0995\char"09BF
 \item \verb+{multiscript=auto,fallback=myfallback}+:
 -- Why is the last !? in latin modern?
 \fontspec{Latin Modern Roman}[RawFeature={multiscript=auto,fallback=myfallback}]
-a!? π!? a БѨ!? \char"0995\char"09BF
 \item \verb+{fallback=myfallback}+:
 -- What are the draw backs of the missing multiscript?
 \fontspec{Latin Modern Roman}[RawFeature={fallback=myfallback}]
-a!? π!? a БѨ!? \char"0995\char"09BF
 \item \verb+fallback=mygreekfallback+
 -- is the script wrong for cyrillic?
 \fontspec{Latin Modern Roman}[RawFeature={fallback=mygreekfallback}]
-a!? π!? a БѨ!? \char"0995\char"09BF
 \item \verb+fallback=mycyrlfallback+
 \fontspec{Latin Modern Roman}[RawFeature={fallback=mycyrlfallback}]
-a!? π!? a БѨ!? \char"0995\char"09BF
 \item \verb!multiscript=auto+cyrl_grek_bng2,fallback=myfallback!
 -- Does \verb+cyrl_grek_bng2+ anything here?
 \fontspec{Latin Modern Roman}[RawFeature={multiscript=auto+cyrl_grek_beng,fallback=myfallback}]
-a!? π!? a БѨ!? \char"0995\char"09BF
 \item How to setup the π in dejavu (with script grek), the БѨ in cambria (script cyrl), and all !? in latin modern (script=latn?)?

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