[latex3-commits] [git/LaTeX3-latex3-latex2e] varioref: some updates to the hyperref/nameref changes needed; make sure the documentation runs despite arabic chars in the code (28e9f6b9)

Frank Mittelbach frank.mittelbach at latex-project.org
Thu Sep 12 12:17:22 CEST 2019

Repository : https://github.com/latex3/latex2e
On branch  : varioref
Link       : https://github.com/latex3/latex2e/commit/28e9f6b90355fa08045752f99413797f9f0d0f64


commit 28e9f6b90355fa08045752f99413797f9f0d0f64
Author: Frank Mittelbach <frank.mittelbach at latex-project.org>
Date:   Thu Sep 12 12:17:22 2019 +0200

    some updates to the hyperref/nameref changes needed;
    make sure the documentation runs despite arabic chars in the code


 .../support/{hyperref.sty => hyperref-orig.sty}    |   75 +-
 .../tools/testfiles-search/support/hyperref.sty    |   56 +-
 .../support/{nameref.sty => nameref-orig.sty}      |  170 ++-
 .../tools/testfiles-search/support/nameref.sty     |  178 +--
 .../tools/testfiles-search/tlb-varioref-005.lvt    |   18 +-
 .../tools/testfiles-search/tlb-varioref-005.tlg    | 1545 ++++++++++----------
 required/tools/varioref.dtx                        |   32 +-
 7 files changed, 1048 insertions(+), 1026 deletions(-)

Diff suppressed because of size. To see it, use:

    git diff-tree --root --patch-with-stat --no-color --find-copies-harder --ignore-space-at-eol --textconv --cc 28e9f6b90355fa08045752f99413797f9f0d0f64

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