[latex3-commits] [git/LaTeX3-latex3-latex3] master: hooks discussions (d8d50fda6)
Frank Mittelbach
frank.mittelbach at latex-project.org
Sun Jun 23 11:04:58 CEST 2019
Repository : https://github.com/latex3/latex3
On branch : master
Link : https://github.com/latex3/latex3/commit/d8d50fda6478ba3cd8ccaceed428f3a6ac2c0322
commit d8d50fda6478ba3cd8ccaceed428f3a6ac2c0322
Author: Frank Mittelbach <frank.mittelbach at latex-project.org>
Date: Sun Jun 23 11:04:58 2019 +0200
hooks discussions
discussionpapers/2018-11-hooks.tex | 108 ---------
discussionpapers/2019-06-thoughts-on-hooks.tex | 309 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
discussionpapers/README.md | 8 +-
3 files changed, 313 insertions(+), 112 deletions(-)
diff --git a/discussionpapers/2018-11-hooks.tex b/discussionpapers/2018-11-hooks.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index cbe277a72..000000000
--- a/discussionpapers/2018-11-hooks.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-\title{Thoughts on Hooks in code}
-\author{Frank Mittelbach \and
-% \and
-% \and
- \LaTeX{} Project Team}
-\newenvironment{hook}[3][new] % new/exists, area, name
- {\refstepcounter{hook}%
- \begin{itemize}\item[\textbf{(\thehook)}]\textbf{#3} (#2/\textit{#1})}
- {\end{itemize}}
-\newcommand\cs[1]{\texttt{\textbackslash #1}}
-This document collects some thoughts on places for hooks (i.e., code
-interfaces where other code can add material for execution. Collected
-are existing \LaTeXe{} hooks (both by the kernel and/or by package) as
-well a hooks that do not exist but would be beneficial to have for one
-or the other reason. As of now it mainly discusses the \LaTeXe{}
-For each hook we document
-\item a ``name'';
-\item the area where it applies;
-\item whether it is ``new'' or does already exist (if so where);
-\item and the major reason why it would be beneficial.
-If there are several distinct use cases each could be added using
-\cs{item}. You can cross reference hooks using
-\section{Document structure}
-\section{Heading commands}
- For heading commands it is helpful if one can issue \cs{mark}
- commands, e.g. \cs{PutMark} from \pkg{xmarks} to support running
- header or footer setup. This has to be possible directly after
- heading title (where it is currently supported through commands like
- \cs{sectionmark}) but also directly before the break to determine
- the placement of the heading (e.g., at the very top of a page/column
- or elsewhere). The mark needs to come after the heading has done its
- magic with any preceding space, it can't hide such space from the
- command. In other words it need to happen basically in the middle of
- \cs{addpenalty}.
- For L3 the galley concept might be able to handle this properly, but
- most likely also need more than one point of code injection.
-\section{Output routine}
-\subsection{Making columns}
- \pkg{manyfoot} and similar packages like to take control at the very
- beginning of column generation.
- And we may have some post-processing going on after the column is
- made up.
- To support manipulation of footnote text (like footnotes as paras,
- in 2 columns etc).
- The assembled footnotes are inside box \cs{footins} and any
- manipulation needs to globally write them back in there.
diff --git a/discussionpapers/2019-06-thoughts-on-hooks.tex b/discussionpapers/2019-06-thoughts-on-hooks.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b3bf45cb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/discussionpapers/2019-06-thoughts-on-hooks.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+\title{Thoughts on Hooks in code}
+\author{Frank Mittelbach \and
+% \and
+% \and
+ \LaTeX{} Project Team}
+\newenvironment{hook}[3][new] % new/exists, area, name
+ {\refstepcounter{hook}%
+ \begin{itemize}%
+ \item[\textbf{Hook (\thehook):}]\textbf{#3} (#2/\textit{#1})}
+ {\end{itemize}}
+\newenvironment{config}[3][new] % new/exists, area, name
+ {\refstepcounter{config}%
+ \begin{itemize}%
+ \item[\textbf{Config (\theconfig):}]\textbf{#3} (#2/\textit{#1})}
+ {\end{itemize}}
+\newcommand\cs[1]{\texttt{\textbackslash #1}}
+\renewcommand\arg[1]{\textit{#1}} % don't need the math Op in this document I hope :-)
+This document collects some thoughts on places for hooks (i.e., code
+interfaces where other code can add material for execution).
+I distinguish this from what I call ``configuration points'', which I think of as
+being commands that have a single definition that can be replaced by a
+different one but not ``added to'' by different packages. For example,
+``add begin document'' is a typical hook, as it is a place where
+different packages my want to execute some code. On the other hand
+``prepare footins'' is a configuration interface whose sole purpose is
+to do something specific to the \cs{footins} box. This may differ
+based on the intended outcome, but there can only one definition active at any
+time.\footnote{Technically this is of course not quite true, there is
+ a certain gray area, but only if some packages very closely
+ interrelated. The main point is that ``hooks'' are more about places
+ where code gets added without (much) concern about what other
+ package want to execute.}
+\subsection{Hooks and their interface}
+At the moment most existing hooks in \LaTeXe{} are actually named
+\cs{@...hook} (with one or two exception). We should keep that
+approach for backward compatibility and only change the exceptions.
+Currently we do have declarations such as \cs{AtBeginDocument} to add
+data to a hook. The order in which the code gets executed then only
+depends on the order of the declarations, i.e., on the order of
+package loading.
+What is not possible right now is define known dependencies between
+different code executed in a certain place, result in the famous ``try
+changing the order of package X and Y to resolve the
+problem''. Sometimes this works, but sometime a different order would
+be needed for different hooks and then of course that advice doesn't
+really any longer work.
+As an alternative/extension we envision that material added to a hook
+will be named (using the package name by default) and that it will be
+possible for packages to declare rules that its code for a certain
+hook should be placed in relation to code from some other package (if
+that package is loaded). This way known dependencies could be
+automatically resolved (if declared as a rule by either side---or even
+both if they don't conflict) and impossible requirements could be
+detected as being incompatible.
+Outline of interface:
+ \AddToHook{<hook>}{<name>}{<code>}
+ \ClearHook{<hook>}{<name>} % maybe
+ \SetupHook{<hook>}{<name>}{<code>} % \ClearHook followed by \AddToHook
+ \SetupHookRule{<hook>}{<name1>}{<name2>}{<rule>}
+\cs{AddToHook} would add additional \arg{code} labeled by \arg{name}
+to the \arg{hook}. If there exists already code under that \arg{name}
+then it is appended. \cs{ClearHook} removes all code labeled by
+\arg{name}. \cs{SetupHookRule} defines some relationship between
+\arg{name1} and \arg{name2}, for the exact syntax a lot different ways
+are possible (should be determined later).
+One could also think of \arg{name} to be optional defaulting to the
+current package/class name to encourage people to use that as the name
+Existing hook interface commands such as \cs{AtBeginDocument} would
+still be supported as follows:
+ They add their code under the name ``\texttt{legacy}'' to the hook.
+ Other packages could then decide that they should come before or
+ after the code labeled \texttt{legacy}.
+In other words:
+ \def\AtBeginDocument#1{\AddToHook{begindocument}{legacy}{#1}}
+ \def\AtEnddocument#1{\AddToHook{enddocument}{legacy}{#1}}
+However, there use would be discouraged in favor of explicitly
+labeling the hook code with the package name.
+There also exist \cs{AtEndOfPackage} and \cs{AtEndOfClass} which uses
+ \@currname.\@currext-h@@k
+as the hook name, but I don't think
+this needs to be incorporated into the more general mechanism as I
+don't think this being usable anywhere outside the actual package
+code---that one package writes into that hook of another package is in
+theory be possible (as in overwrite some code of that package if it
+gets loaded later than me, but I doubt that this makes a
+useful/explainable interface). On the other hand it is surprisingly
+often used (in 379 package/classes in TL 2019) so perhaps that
+assumption needs some checking.
+\subsection{Configuration points and their interface}
+As configuration points allow for only a single definition at any one
+time they can be simply defined as commands without providing an
+explicit interface.
+My current suggestion is to all call them \cs{@...config} in the
+\LaTeXe{} code and provide them with a default definition. We could
+think of offering a configuration interface such as
+ \SetupConfigPoint{@makecol}{preparefootins}{<code>}
+but that wouldn't do much other than (globally) replacing the config
+command definition with the new one.
+I also think that such config point commands should not take arguments
+even if they technically have inputs (like the current page box or the
+\cs{footins} box etc.).
+\section{Hooks and config points in various places}
+are existing \LaTeXe{} hooks (both by the kernel and/or by package) as
+well a hooks that do not exist but would be beneficial to have for one
+or the other reason. As of now it mainly discusses the \LaTeXe{}
+For each hook/config point we document
+\item a ``name'';
+\item the area where it applies;
+\item whether it is ``new'' or does already exist (if so where);
+\item and the major reason why it would be beneficial.
+If there are several distinct use cases each could be added using
+\cs{item}. You can cross reference hooks using
+\subsection{Document structure}
+ This is really more or less internal (used for handling 2.09
+ compatibility) but it shows up in one or two other places in TL.
+\subsection{Output routine}
+\subsubsection{Making columns}
+ \pkg{manyfoot} and similar packages like to take control at the very
+ beginning of column generation.
+ And we may have some post-processing going on after the column is
+ made up.
+ To support manipulation of footnote text (like footnotes as paras,
+ in 2 columns etc).
+ At this point the assembled footnotes are inside box \cs{footins} and any
+ manipulation needs to globally write them back in there.
+ A column supports the following block elements:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item
+ galley text (already inside \cs{@outputbox})
+ \item
+ footnotes (initially inside \cs{footins})
+ \item
+ top and bottom floats (initially inside the \LaTeXe{} float lists
+ for top and bottom)
+ \end{itemize}
+ These can appear in different order within the column and in this
+ config point the ordering and any special spacing between them is
+ specified. The final result is stored in \cs{@outputbox}.
+ For specification only the following commands should be used:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \cs{@makecolappendfootnotes}\arg{separation} The separation
+ has to be \cs{vfill} or \cs{@makecol at moveskip} (which is not
+ quite the right interface).
+ \item \cs{@makecolattachfloats}
+ \item \cs{@makecolappendstuff}\arg{vertical material}
+ \end{itemize}
+ For example to get the footnotes above the bottom floats one would specify:
+ \SetupConfigPoint{@makecol}{blocks}
+ {\@makecol at appendfootnotes {\vfill}%
+ \@makecol at appendfloats}
+ Discussion notes:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item
+ Maybe \@outputbox{} should start out empty there should be an
+ explicit \cs{makecolappendtext}
+ \item
+ Technically attaching top and bottom floats in one go should be
+ enough but perhaps it would be clearer if there are two commands
+ \cs{@makecolappendtopfloats} and \cs{@makecolappendbottomfloats}
+ even though their order should always be top above bottom.
+ \item
+ There have to be some clear rules on how \cs{@makecolappendstuff}
+ can be used.
+ \item
+ Should spaces be automatically suppressed in configuration point setups?
+ \end{itemize}
+ Executes if a footnote gets split. By default empty but could be
+ used to set up a warning message or similar in that case.
+\subsection{Heading commands}
+ For heading commands it is helpful if one can issue \cs{mark}
+ commands, e.g. \cs{PutMark} from \pkg{xmarks} to support running
+ header or footer setup. This has to be possible directly after
+ heading title (where it is currently supported through commands like
+ \cs{sectionmark}) but also directly before the break to determine
+ the placement of the heading (e.g., at the very top of a page/column
+ or elsewhere). The mark needs to come after the heading has done its
+ magic with any preceding space, it can't hide such space from the
+ command. In other words it need to happen basically in the middle of
+ \cs{addpenalty}.
+ For L3 the galley concept might be able to handle this properly, but
+ most likely also need more than one point of code injection.
diff --git a/discussionpapers/README.md b/discussionpapers/README.md
index e8a26569b..7ce1be8e2 100644
--- a/discussionpapers/README.md
+++ b/discussionpapers/README.md
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
## Overview
-This is basically a pool area to dump thoughts (both on L3 as well as
-on 2e and interface to 2e). The pending on how it grows this may get
+This is basically a pool area for thoughts (both on L3 as well as
+on 2e and interface to 2e). Depending on how it grows this may get
split or moved eventually. None of what is discussed here is final or
-should be taken as the direction that we want to take things!
+should be taken as the direction in which we want to take things!
## Development team
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ LaTeX3 is developed by [The LaTeX3 Project](https://latex-project.org).
## Copyright
-This README file is copyright 2018 The LaTeX3 Project.
+This README file is copyright 2018-2019 The LaTeX3 Project.
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