[latex3-commits] [git/LaTeX3-latex3-latex2e] master: checkin of a testfile documenting current state in 2e kernel (many commands are commented out as they break too badly) (ff607ac)

Frank Mittelbach frank.mittelbach at latex-project.org
Mon Feb 11 16:35:15 CET 2019

Repository : https://github.com/latex3/latex2e
On branch  : master
Link       : https://github.com/latex3/latex2e/commit/ff607acc2f70b92e2efe13aa8a433a9785bc0a4f


commit ff607acc2f70b92e2efe13aa8a433a9785bc0a4f
Author: Frank Mittelbach <frank.mittelbach at latex-project.org>
Date:   Mon Feb 11 16:35:15 2019 +0100

    checkin of a testfile documenting current state in 2e kernel (many commands are commented out as they break too badly)


 base/testfiles/github-robust-0123.lvt              | 1353 ++++++++++++++++++++
 .../github-robust-0123.tlg}                        |    0
 2 files changed, 1353 insertions(+)

diff --git a/base/testfiles/github-robust-0123.lvt b/base/testfiles/github-robust-0123.lvt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b9ff8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/testfiles/github-robust-0123.lvt
@@ -0,0 +1,1353 @@
+\def\test#1{\typeout{\string#1: #1}
+% next block breaks very badly ... for some that is probably ok for
+% other not
+%%\test{\ClassWarningNoLine{foo}{bar}{baz}{}}   -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\IncludeInRelease{foo}[bar]{baz}}       -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\PackageWarningNoLine{foo}{bar}{baz}}    -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\ProvideTextCommandDefault{foo}{bar}{baz}}    -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\ProvideTextCommand{foo}{bar}{baz}}      -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\ProvidesFile{foo}{bar}{baz}}            -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\UseRawInputEncoding}                     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\UseTextAccent{foo}}        -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\UseTextSymbol{foo}}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\addcontentsline{foo}{bar}{baz}}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\addtocontents{foo}{bar}{baz}}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\and}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\array}      -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\author{foo}}        % breaks badly
+%%\test{\bezier}                 % breaks badly
+%%\test{\bibitem{foo}}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\bibliography}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\bordermatrix}  -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\buildrel{foo}{bar}}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\centering}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\center}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\circle{R}}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\cleardoublepage}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\clearpage}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\contentsline}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\counterwithin{section}{footnote}}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\counterwithout{section}{footnote}}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\dashbox{foo}}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\displaylines{foo}}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\else}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\end{foo}}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\enlargethispage{5pt}}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\enumerate}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\eqnarray}        -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\equation}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\flushleft}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\flushright}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\footnotemark}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\footnotetext{foo}}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\footnote{foo}}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\frenchspacing}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\hphantom}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\ignorespacesafterend}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\include{foo}}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\input{foo}}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\itemize}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\item}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\linebreak}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\list}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\lrbox{foo}}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\marginpar{foo}}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\mathhexbox}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\mathpalette}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\mathstrut}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\matrix{foo}}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\minipage{3cm}}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\multicolumn{1}{c}{foo}}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\multiput}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\multispan}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\newcommand\foo{}}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\newcounter{foo}}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\newpage}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\nocite{foo}}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\nolinebreak}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\nonfrenchspacing}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\nonumber}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\nopagebreak}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\normalmarginpar}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\normalsfcodes}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\onecolumn}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\oval(1,0)}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\pagebreak}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\phantom}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\picture(0,0)}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\pmatrix}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\providecommand}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\raggedleft}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\raggedright}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\refstepcounter{page}}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\renewcommand}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\renewenvironment}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\reversemarginpar}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\root}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\setcounter{page}}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\shortstack}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\stepcounter}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\stop}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\suppressfloats}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\tabbing}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\tabular}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\thanks{foo}}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\thispagestyle{plain}}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\trivlist}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\twocolumn}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\typein}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\typeout}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\usecounter{page}}     -- breaks badly
+%%\test{\vphantom{foo}}     -- breaks badly
+%\test{\begin{foo}}          % breaks really really badly
+% also break but most likely ok ....
+%\test{\depth}   -- not defined
+%\test{\endinput}      ok we can't test that this way :-)
+%\test{\height}    -- not defined 
+%\test{\of}   -- ???
+%\test{\requestedpatchdate}     -- not defined?
+%\test{\totalheight}     -- not defined
+%\test{\width}     -- not defined
+% the rest goes through in one way or the other but not necessarily in
+% a robust way
+\test{\csname foo\endcsname}
+\test{\number 25}
+\test{\romannumeral 27}
+\test{\string foo}
+% unchecked commands ...
+% why are these UI?
diff --git a/base/testfiles-disabled/tlb2215.tlg b/base/testfiles/github-robust-0123.tlg
similarity index 100%
copy from base/testfiles-disabled/tlb2215.tlg
copy to base/testfiles/github-robust-0123.tlg

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