[latex3-commits] [git/LaTeX3-latex3-latex3] master: More docs [ci skip] (3c8bccd)

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Sun Feb 18 13:03:51 CET 2018

Repository : https://github.com/latex3/latex3
On branch  : master
Link       : https://github.com/latex3/latex3/commit/3c8bccdaff487abfb72224771ac5409293c0b39e


commit 3c8bccdaff487abfb72224771ac5409293c0b39e
Author: Joseph Wright <joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk>
Date:   Sun Feb 18 11:57:29 2018 +0000

    More docs [ci skip]
    The sine/cosine curves are rather limited:
    are the current forms useful?
    The curve-at-time functions are entirely unused.
    This documentation step completes pgfcorepathconstruct.


 l3trial/l3draw/l3draw-paths.dtx |    7 ++++++-
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/l3trial/l3draw/l3draw-paths.dtx b/l3trial/l3draw/l3draw-paths.dtx
index 5e39ea5..1511533 100644
--- a/l3trial/l3draw/l3draw-paths.dtx
+++ b/l3trial/l3draw/l3draw-paths.dtx
@@ -67,8 +67,13 @@
 %     extremely specialised and are very complex in implementation. If the
 %     functionality is required, it is likely that it will be set up from
 %     scratch here.
-%   \item \cs{pgfpathparabola}: Seems to be usused other than defining
+%   \item \cs{pgfpathparabola}: Seems to be unused other than defining
 %     a Ti\emph{k}Z interface, which itself is then not used further.
+%   \item \cs{pgfpathsine}, \cs{pgfpathcosine}: Need to see exactly how
+%     these need to work, in particular whether a wider input range is
+%     needed and what approximation to make.
+%    \item \cs{pgfpathcurvebetweentime}, \cs{pgfpathcurvebetweentimecontinue}:
+%      These don't seem to be used at all.
 % \end{itemize}
 % \begin{variable}

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